FRESHSOUND » Instruments for PC » Sonic Charge Synplant v1.2.2 x86 x64

Sonic Charge Synplant v1.2.2 x86 x64

4301 0 Instruments for PC synth 10 02 2016
Sonic Charge Synplant v1.2.2 x86 x64
Syn­plant is a soft­ware syn­thes­izer with a ge­net­ic ap­proach to sound cre­ation. In­stead of cre­at­ing patches the con­ven­tion­al way by turn­ing di­als and knobs, Syn­plant lets you ex­plore a world of or­gan­ic sounds by plant­ing seeds that grow in­to synth patches.

Grow, Mutate, Create

The pur­pose of this product is to move fo­cus away from the some­times in­tric­ate and dif­fi­cult pro­cess of sound syn­thes­is and in­stead let you de­vel­op sounds by simply us­ing your ears. You will find that cre­at­ing synth patches with Syn­plant will be as easy as listen­ing and de­cid­ing what you like and then hav­ing the sounds evolve in the dir­ec­tions you de­sire.

Once you are ready to get your hands dirty and dig deep­er in­to the ana­tomy of Syn­plant you will have the op­tion to crack open your sound seeds and modi­fy their un­der­ly­ing ge­net­ic code.

Al­though Syn­plant is ex­ceed­ingly easy to use, whatever you do, do not let its re­l­at­ive sim­pli­city fool you. Be­neath its straight­for­ward and play­ful in­ter­face you will find a ver­sat­ile syn­thes­izer of the ut­most qual­ity with lots of char­ac­ter.
6 MB
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