FRESHSOUND » Instruments for PC » IK Multimedia SampleTank 3 v3.7.3 x64

IK Multimedia SampleTank 3 v3.7.3 x64

8902 3 Instruments for PC /Instruments for Mac samplerworkstation 31 08 2019
IK Multimedia SampleTank 3 v3.7.3 x64
SampleTank 3 has been rebuilt from the ground up: it has a completely new sound set, fully redesigned easy-to-use interface, new sounds with true-to-life "round robin" and multiple articulations, a new patterns player with MIDI patterns, new effects derived from AmpliTube and T-RackS, a new loop management feature, new filters, a new Live mode and much more.


Over 33 GB of included sounds.
Over 4,000 new instruments with 21 instrument categories covering a span of acoustic, electric and electronic sounds.
Over 2,500 drum, percussion and full construction-kit loops played by world-renowned artists.
Over 2,000 MIDI files in all categories.


Completely redesigned interface with 3 main environments: Play, Mix and Edit that retain SampleTank's ease-of-use and fast operation.
16 channel multi-part Play interface with easy layering and an integrated MIDI player and mixer.
All-in-one sound Edit page with 3 sample engines (including formant preserving pitch-shifting and time-stretching engines), 10 filter types and 8 macro controls per instrument for quick multi-parameter editing.

New Sounds

At the core of SampleTank 3 there are now over 33 GB of professionally recorded and hand-crafted samples. There are over 4,000 instruments in 22 instrument categories, which means "you'll have access to every acoustic, electric and electronic sound you'll ever need". SampleTank 3 also includes over 2,500 drum, percussion and complete groove loops, and over 2,000 MIDI patterns. From Jazz to Rock, from Pop to Funky, from EDM to Hip-Hop, from Dubstep to House.

New Interface

SampleTank 3 retains the ease of use and quick workflow of its previous versions with its new 3 main environments: Play, Mix and Edit. Featuring an elegant and uncluttered design, it lets you start making music in minutes. When you need to dig into its powerful new features, all the controls you need will be there, just one click away.
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