FRESHSOUND » Tag cloud » ableton device
Presets / ExpansionsFebruary 2, 2025
Standalone-Music Ableton 7ECHNO RUMBLE by 7 SKIES

Standalone-Music Ableton 7ECHNO RUMBLE by 7 SKIES

7ECHNO RUMBLE is a collection of 3 Racks for Ableton Live Suite specifically designed to help you create TECHNO RUMBLE KICKS in seconds! [...]
FX for PC / FX for MacMay 1, 2022
Ableton Convolution Reverb v1.4 For Max For Live

Ableton Convolution Reverb v1.4 For Max For Live

Convolution Reverb is a creative device for bringing new space to your sounds – a sample-based reverb suite with hundreds of impulse responses from real-world spaces and world-class hardware. [...]
FX for PC / FX for MacDecember 28, 2021
M4L - Particle Reverb 6.0 (Ableton Live)

M4L - Particle Reverb 6.0 (Ableton Live)

Granular Network Reverb (Live 10.1 or Later). The concept is to have a natural sound with pitch-variable granular taste. Finally, I made a network with some all-pass and two granular units and calibrated it to be flat during feedback. The DEBRIS parameter allows you to mix pure granular components into the Network. [...]
FX for PCMarch 27, 2021
Futurephonic Radical Devices for Live (Ableton Live)

Futurephonic Radical Devices for Live (Ableton Live)

Four fresh plugins that punch to the maximum, in a micro setting. Sometimes it feels like plugins are made by programmers who don't actually put long hours in to their own music. That's the first thing that's special about the Radical Devices - programmer and touring artist Raffael Willi AKA Jumpstreet made these tools to bring precious speed and efficiency his own studio sessions - plus some [...]
Instruments for PC / Instruments for MacMay 12, 2020
Soundmanufacture Modular Sequencer 1.0.2 (Ableton Live)

Soundmanufacture Modular Sequencer 1.0.2 (Ableton Live)

Modular Sequencer is a Max for Live Step Sequencer for Ableton Live 10. The Modular Sequencer is a very flexible Sequencer, where you can patch every module with any other. You can create Sequences from concrete & repetitive to totally endless & random. [...]
Instruments for PC / Instruments for MacMarch 24, 2020
Martin von Frantzius FlexGroove v1.1 (Ableton Live)

Martin von Frantzius FlexGroove v1.1 (Ableton Live)

FlexGroove is a Max for Live device for off-the-grid MIDI sequencing. Give parts an expressive push and pull, fluidly transition from one time signature to another, or play with unconventional swing patterns. [...]
Instruments for PC / Instruments for MacMarch 22, 2020
Benjamin Soma Chord Player v2.7 (Ableton Live)

Benjamin Soma Chord Player v2.7 (Ableton Live)

Intuitively play chords like an experienced pianist using the Chord Player for Ableton Live! No need to memorize confusing new fingerings to learn how to play chords on a grid controller. With this extensive Ableton Live MIDI effect rack you can play chords in any key with just one finger! [...]
PresetsMarch 9, 2020
Whole Loop - Fongs Rave Sauce  (Ableton Live)

Whole Loop - Fongs Rave Sauce (Ableton Live)

Fong's Rave Sauce for EDM style sound design instantly. This powerful Ableton Audio Effect Rack features Henry Fong's Signature processing chain for transforming simple sounds into massive lead synths. The mixing preset features 8 macro controls mapped to the most important knobs in the chain for easy access. Fong's Rave Sauce is made of 100% Stock Ableton 10 Plugins and compatible with Intro, [...]
Instruments for PCMarch 6, 2020
Euclidean sequencer 1.0 Max for Live (Ableton Live)

Euclidean sequencer 1.0 Max for Live (Ableton Live)

Euclidean sequencers divide a number of beat subdivisions over a time interval and place MIDI notes as evenly as possible into the sequence. This is a 4 voice euclidean sequencer, for ableton and max for live. Creates complex polyrhythms and melodic arpeggios. Amongst other things it allows to have a fixed note per voice, or create your own melodic sequence for each one. [...]
ExpansionsMarch 4, 2020
Max for Cats BENGAL v1.5 (Ableton Live)

Max for Cats BENGAL v1.5 (Ableton Live)

Combining the textural intricacy of FM with the freeform approach of a modular system, Bengal is a sound designer’s dream with its four operators, eight voices of polyphony, six audio effects and a flexible modulation architecture centred on an interactive virtual patchbay. [...]
ExpansionsMarch 4, 2020
Max for Cats Pallas v1.2 (Ableton Live)

Max for Cats Pallas v1.2 (Ableton Live)

Max for Cats’ latest creation brings the versatility of a semi-modular interface to the world of analog-modelling synthesis. Built around a flexible virtual patchbay, Pallas gives users immense control over a wide range of bold and unique sounds. [...]
PresetsDecember 23, 2019
WHOLE LOOPS Ableton Guitar Sauce

WHOLE LOOPS Ableton Guitar Sauce

Guitar Sauce is an organic Ableton preset for instant guitar perfection using stock plugins included in Ableton Live. Sauce up your dry guitars with this unique processing tool for effortless beautiful guitar tones! [...]
FX for PC / FX for MacNovember 20, 2019
Amazing Noises Grain Scanner v1.1 (Ableton Live)

Amazing Noises Grain Scanner v1.1 (Ableton Live)

Grain Scanner lets you design experimental noises, glitchy effects, alien textures and massive clouds of ambience. Its advanced sound engine turns any sample into a blank slate for otherworldly synth parts. [...]
Useful AppsNovember 26, 2018
SoundMorph Galactic Assistant v1.1.1 (Win/OSX)

SoundMorph Galactic Assistant v1.1.1 (Win/OSX)

Galactic Assistant is the first synthesizer software specifically made for creating hi-tech interface sounds. Developed for sound designers and musicians alike, it's the perfect companion for creating a new sonic universe. Use it to design your own hi-tech interface sounds or create glitch or highlights for your musical project. If you need even more interface sounds, Galactic Assistant is still [...]
Instruments for PC / Instruments for MacNovember 14, 2018
Audiomodern Random Generator Pro Bundle Max for Live (Ableton Live)

Audiomodern Random Generator Pro Bundle Max for Live (Ableton Live)

The Random Generators Bundle includes all three of Audiomodern's 'Random' Max For Live Devices: Random Groove Generator PRO Random Riff Generator PRO 2 Random Chords Generator [...]
Instruments for PC / Instruments for MacJune 28, 2018
Isotonik Studios Max For Live Device Pack (Ableton Live)

Isotonik Studios Max For Live Device Pack (Ableton Live)

ExpansionsMarch 13, 2017
Max for Cats ENSEMBLE v1.0 (Ableton Live)

Max for Cats ENSEMBLE v1.0 (Ableton Live)

Inspired by the classic string machines of the 1970s, Ensemble is a Max for Live string synthesizer with a unique built-in morphing formant filter. Ensemble also includes chorus and phaser effects which can be used separately. [...]
ExpansionsMarch 1, 2017
Sonic Faction Hypermorph v1.1 (Ableton Live)

Sonic Faction Hypermorph v1.1 (Ableton Live)

Hypermorph features four independent sound sources and an XY Morph Matrix that can blend, morph and mutate between each sound. The instrument is sampled from an array of modern analog and digital synthesizers featuring beefy oscillators, wavetables, textures and custom one-shots. [...]
ExpansionsMarch 1, 2017
Surreal Machines Transient Machines v1.1 (Ableton Live)

Surreal Machines Transient Machines v1.1 (Ableton Live)

Transient Machines is a Max for Live Pack that allows for deep sound-shaping possibilities. Modelled after the transient designers found in professional recording studios, Transient Machines is a versatile tool for reshaping the dynamics of drums, loops, and much more. [...]
ExpansionsFebruary 28, 2017
Surreal Machines Dub Machines v1.2 (Ableton Live)

Surreal Machines Dub Machines v1.2 (Ableton Live)

DUB MACHINES is an Ableton Live pack containing two analog inspired delay Devices plus presets. Whilst the designs of the Dub Machines devices take full advantage of their digital engines, their sonic power stems from analog gear and the inspiration it provides. This means that once we‘ve studied, analyzed and recreated the analog circuit with DSP... we start again! [...]
ExpansionsMay 22, 2016
Sample Magic - Ableton Chord Rack (Ableton Live)

Sample Magic - Ableton Chord Rack (Ableton Live)

Expertly sampled from a host of classic synths - think Roland Juno 60, Jupiter-6 and Yamaha DX-7 - the latest instalment of our Ableton Racks series serves up 127 authentic hardware-sourced chord stabs inside a custom rack instrument complete with comprehensive macro controls for powerful melodic creativity. [...]
PresetsMarch 5, 2016
Puremagnetik Retroputer (Ableton Live)

Puremagnetik Retroputer (Ableton Live)

Heavily influenced by Elektron’s Monomachine , Retroputer comes packed with crunchy digital waveforms, all categorized into 10 individual “Machines”. Over 60 included Live Clips come complete with customized Macro controls that emphasize the charm of this soundset. Retroputer also contains over 140 waveforms conveniently sorted into individual rack menus for easy waveform selection and [...]
PresetsFebruary 26, 2016
Audiomodern StrangeLines STREAKULATOR

Audiomodern StrangeLines STREAKULATOR

Audiomodern & StrangeLines present STREAKULATOR, created by developer Ernesto Cecco D’Ortona, Streakulator is a midi-modulated audio effect suitable for modern producers to use in the daily workflow, but it’s suitable for many uses, mostly sound design. Its main job is to create crazy sounds with a human touch in no time: possibilities are endless. [...]